Thursday, September 29, 2011

Green shades of Parang Ijo Waterfall

One of the green shades resorts of Indonesia which is located in Central Java province which has a high enough exotics value with waterfall and beautiful scenery support, make this resorts became increasingly cool and comfortable ....
Although this tourism is not well known and still rarely visited by foreign tourists but its beauty is no less interesting with other tours.
In addition to waterfalls and green shades which interest, there is one feature of which interest there. after the rain, rainbow often seen around a waterfall that evoke the scenery of become more spectacular.  Arrangement of the place was quite comfortable from the starting place of rest, eating house and a place to relax ..
visitors which often seen is teenagers who are was refresh with their friends or with a girlfriend.

Travel Parang Ijo waterfall that we enjoy when going home, the coolness that we feel so natural and makes the atmosphere became so comfortable and calm. enjoy a cold waterfall that seemed to pierce the skin and laughter as he joked while playing water.
On a Sunday morning where the number of visitors that come though this time only we are which trying to bathe and enjoy the freshness of waterfall, while visitors others just  sit back and relax. but atmosphere was so impressive.